"BodBabes, Because Your Worth It!"

Empowering Women 40+ to Transform Their Bodies and Lives

BodBabes: Women Who Know Their Worth!

Pictured: Ally & husband, Wade - Founders (ages 56)

BodBabes - Transform Your Body
Elevate Your Life

We partner with women 40 plus, across the globe 
who are high-achievers and 
everyday women ready to transform their bodies. 

Our clients aren’t looking for a quick fix; they know that rapid weight loss can lead to muscle loss, weakened metabolism, and temporary results.

BodBabes want lasting change, understanding that a focused diet program and sustainable lifestyle build long-term health and a stronger, more toned body.

Our clients include:

By committing to a personalized and sustainable program, 
our clients achieve:

Improved Muscle Tone: Building and maintaining muscle for a more sculpted look.

Enhanced Metabolism: Boosting metabolic rate for sustained weight management.

Better Overall Health: Focusing on nutrition that supports long-term wellness and vitality.

Lasting Results: Achieving and maintaining their best bodies for life.

If you’re ready to commit to a journey that will redefine your body and empower your lifestyle, you’re exactly who we want to work with!

Age 54!

"If you're looking for something different. No funny business with supplements, etc., to buy. After one year, I'm still maintaining!" 
- Laura, client & professor


Specialized Expertise for Women Over 40: At BodBabes, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. We’re experts in addressing the unique needs of women over 40 undergoing significant life and bodily changes. We tailor our programs to fit your individual health, strength, and wellness goals.

Proven Success: Our founder Ally and her team of expert coaches have guided thousands of women to reclaim their vitality. Our approach is proven, with countless success stories of transformed lives.

Comprehensive Wellness Approach: We go beyond gym routines. At BodBabes, we delve into nutrition education, helping you understand not just what to eat, but why. Our programs are designed to balance hormones and support your body’s specific needs during menopause and beyond.

"This has changed my life! 
I've never had so much confidence!"  
- Deanna, age 47


🌸 Experience Counts: Our founder, age 56, understands your journey. With experience helping thousands of women across the globe, BodBabes was born from a need for real, lasting solutions for women at midlife. We're not just local; we're global, bringing proven strategies to women everywhere.

🌸 Tailored for You: Forget one-size-fits-all. Our programs are crafted for the unique needs of women aged 40+, focusing on menopause and beyond.

🌸 More Than Just a Meal Plan: We offer more than temporary fixes. BodBabes equips you with skills for life, teaching you to love and balance your food for permanent success. Here's the key: Enjoy the foods you love in the right amounts to maintain your body goals!

🌸 Personalized Workout Mastery: No matter your fitness level, BodBabes provides tailored workouts. Learn what works for your body and how to evolve your routine as you progress. Gain confidence in managing your fitness journey with our comprehensive guidance.

🌸 Long-Term Success with BodBabes: We commit to your lifelong transformation, not just quick fixes. BodBabes offers deep understanding and practical tools to maintain and enhance your health and physique for years. Knowledge isn’t just power; it’s a promise.

🌸 Act Now - Your Best Years Await!: Don’t wait to start living your best life. Join BodBabes today and transform your future.
A Thriving Community: Join a tribe of like-minded women who support each other through shared experiences and victories. BodBabes is not just about personal transformation; it's about growing together.

Why Choose BodBabes: If you're ready to make your 40s, 50s, and beyond the most vibrant years of your life, it's time to invest in a solution tailored just for you. Join us and see why BodBabes is more than a program—it’s a pathway to your best self.

Ready to start your transformation journey with BodBabes?

Sign up and take the first step towards the best version of you!

I was asked to define, BodBabe...

A BodBabe is a beacon of strength, an emblem of determination. 
She's a woman who stands firm in the belief that age is merely a number and that her prime years are unfolding before her. 
She is not defined by decades but by decisions—decisions to embrace change, to harness the power within, and to rewrite her story with courage and grace. 
A BodBabe is resilient, weathering life's storms and emerging not just intact, but stronger, sculpted by her experiences. 
She knows her worth, investing in herself with the knowledge that self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity. 
She's a community member, a sister in arms on the same empowering journey of transformation. Together with her BodBabes tribe, she celebrates each victory and uplifts others on their paths. 
A BodBabe is transformative, not just altering the shape of her body, but also elevating her mindset. 
She is a learner for life, understanding that knowledge and consistency are the cornerstones of her sustained success. 
She’s the embodiment of what it means to live vibrantly, to refuse to accept societal limits on what 'women of a certain age' can do. 
Her fitness is her rebellion, her nutrition is her manifesto, and her journey is a testament to the enduring power of the female spirit. 

My hope is that you too embrace the identity of a BodBabe, and join the ranks of women who choose to live each day with energy, joy, and a deep sense of personal achievement.

Ally - Founder of BodBabes
When you sign up, you agree to stay and pay monthly for at least 90 days (12 weeks). After that, you can keep going month by month for the same price. If you decide to stop after the 3 months, just tell us 3 days before the next month begins.

What You Get At BodBabes:

A Program Like No Other!

Customized Fitness Plans: 
No matter your starting point, receive a workout plan tailored to your fitness level and goals. Our plans evolve with you, from beginner to advanced, ensuring you're always challenged and progressing.

Tailored Nutrition Guidance: 
Forget one-size-fits-all diets. Enjoy personalized meal plans that fit your taste preferences and nutritional needs, designed to be enjoyable and sustainable over the long haul.

Personal Coaching from Ally & Expert Team: 
Direct access to me, Ally, and my dedicated team of expert coaches. We provide the motivation, guidance, and personalized support you need to succeed.

Accountability & Community Support: 
Join an empowering community of women who understand your journey. Together, we keep each other motivated and on track, celebrating every milestone.

Comprehensive Tools and Resources: 
From delicious recipes to effective workout tips, get all the resources you need at your fingertips to make your health journey successful.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments: 
With regular check-ins, we track your progress and fine-tune your plan to ensure continuous improvement and adaptation to your changing needs.

Focus on Holistic Health and Hormonal Balance:
Specially designed strategies to manage the hormonal shifts during menopause, ensuring that your plan aligns with your body’s unique needs.

Skills for Lifelong Health: 
More than just temporary fixes, we equip you with knowledge and skills to maintain your health and vitality for years to come.

Why Choose BodBabes?: 
We understand the specific needs of women over 40. Our programs are not just about fitness; they are about creating lasting health changes with a deep understanding of hormonal and lifestyle shifts.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Join BodBabes today and start a journey tailored just for you. 

Embrace your health, enhance your vitality, and elevate your confidence. Let’s make these years your best yet.

Click now to start your transformation!


Hear from Our Satisfied BodBabes:

Real Stories, Real Results

Why BodBabes Stands Apart
Every woman is a world unto herself, especially when crossing the milestone age of 40. At BodBabes, we recognize that the journey through the transformative phase of midlife is as distinct as each woman’s fingerprint. Hormonal shifts, metabolic changes, and unique life experiences weave a complex tapestry that generic fitness plans simply cannot address effectively.

The dance of hormones during and post-menopause profoundly impacts how each woman’s body responds to exercise, nutrition, and stress. That’s where the personalized essence of BodBabes shines brightly. We steadfastly reject the one-size-fits-all approach that often leads women astray, leaving them frustrated and disheartened. 

Our mission is rooted in the understanding that empowerment and transformation are born from an intimate and profound connection with each woman’s distinct journey. We’re not just your fitness coaches; we are your companions, allies, and steadfast supporters.

BodBabes' Tailored Features for Women Over 40

What You'll Get with the BodBabes Program:

Here's everything included to ensure your success:

Workouts Made for You:
Get a workout plan that matches your level and goals. Whether you're starting out or you've been active for years, we'll challenge and motivate you.

Nutrition That Fits Your Life:
Enjoy meals tailored to your tastes and needs. Our diet plans are healthy, tasty, and made to stick with for the long run.

Personal Coaching with Ally:
Direct coaching from me, Ally, to guide, motivate, and support you. Your journey is unique, and so is the support you get. You'll also have the support of my team of amazing coaches!

Accountability and Support:
Join a group of women who get what you're going through. We're all in this together, keeping each other on track.

Track Your Progress:
Regular check-ins to see how you're doing. We celebrate every win and adjust as needed to keep you moving forward.

Tools and Guides at Your Fingertips:
Get everything from recipes to workout tips. We've got all the resources you need to succeed.

A Community That Cares:
Share your journey with women who understand. Our group is supportive, encouraging, and empowering.

Constant Encouragement:
You're not alone in this. Stay motivated with ongoing support and inspiration from us.

Focus on Hormonal Balance:
We've got strategies to deal with the hormonal changes you face after 40. We make sure your health plan fits your body's needs.

Skills for a Lifetime:
Learn valuable skills to keep you healthy and confident for years to come. It's not just about now; it's about your future.

Why BodBabes is Different:
Generic programs don't get it. But we do! We know what women over 40 need, especially when it comes to hormones and lifestyle changes. At BodBabes, you're not just another client. You're an individual, and we tailor everything to you – for real results that last and make you feel great.

Ready to Start Your Transformation?
Join BodBabes and put your health, vitality, and confidence first. We're here to support you on a journey that's just as unique as you are. Say yes to becoming your best self with BodBabes.

Let’s do this together! Your best self is waiting, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. 

Join us, and let’s start this 
incredible journey.

The BodBabes App: Your Fitness Journey, Simplified

Easy to Use: 
Our app is designed with clarity and ease in mind. Enjoy larger fonts for better readability and a user-friendly interface that makes navigation effortless, even for those new to fitness apps.

Everything You Need in One Place:
Personalized Workouts and Meal Plans: Get custom-tailored fitness routines and diet plans that align with your specific goals.

Track Your Progress: 
Easily monitor your improvements with intuitive progress charts.

Community Connection: 
Engage with the BodBabes community directly from the app. Share your journey, receive support, and celebrate achievements with fellow members.

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: 
Stay connected to your health goals whether you're at home, on the go, or even while traveling. Available for both iOS and Android devices, the BodBabes app keeps your fitness journey at your fingertips.

Included With Your Program Purchase:: 
Enhance your fitness experience with seamless access to all the tools you need for success. Dive into your transformation journey with confidence and convenience.

"Whatever you do...listen to these coaches! They know what they are talking about. I was struggling with menopause and Ally just knew what to do. My 53 year old butt will be in a bikini all summer!" - Sandra
"I'm 49 and I HAVE ABS NOW! Much thanks to you and the BodBabes program!" - Tammy

Our Money Back Guarantee

Our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: Your satisfaction is our priority!
We're committed to your success and satisfaction. If you don’t see noticeable improvements in your health and fitness within the first 30 days of your journey with us, you’re eligible for a full refund. 

Here’s how it works:

Commit to the Process: 
Stick with the program for the full 30 days. This includes following your customized workouts and meal plans.

Show Your Work: 
Keep logs of your workouts and meals, and share progress photos. This helps us see how you're following the program.

Stay Engaged: 
Participate actively in our community and coaching sessions. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Speak Up: 
Let us know immediately if you’re facing any challenges. We’re here to help and make adjustments if necessary.

If after doing all this, you’re not satisfied, just reach out to us. We'll process your refund promptly, no hassles.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is BodBabes suitable for fitness beginners over 40?
A: Absolutely! Whether you're new to fitness or restarting your journey, BodBabes is tailored for women over 40. We start from where you are, focusing on building your strength and confidence gently and effectively.

Q: How does BodBabes address hormonal changes during menopause?
A: We specialize in hormonal balance. Our nutritional guidance and workout routines are designed to mitigate menopause symptoms and support hormonal health, helping you feel balanced and revitalized.

Q: Can I participate in BodBabes if I experience joint pain?
A: Yes, our exercises are crafted to be joint-friendly. We focus on movements that enhance mobility and alleviate pain while promoting fitness and health.

Q: Will I build strength with BodBabes after menopause?
A: Definitely. Our strength training is geared specifically towards increasing bone density and muscle mass, countering the effects of aging and boosting your overall strength.

Q: What commitments are involved with the BodBabes program?
A: We ask for a commitment to our 3-month program to ensure you see significant results. The payment is monthly, and after the initial period, you can continue on a month-to-month basis with the flexibility to opt out with advance notice.

Q: How are coaching sessions scheduled?
A: Scheduling is easy! Just pick a time that suits you from our online calendar, and we'll ensure you have your coaching session when it works for you.

Q: Can individuals with specific health conditions join BodBabes?
A: Yes, our team is experienced in adapting to various health conditions, ensuring everyone can safely and effectively participate.

Q: Is BodBabes available internationally?
A: Absolutely! Our community is global. All you need is an internet connection to access our full range of resources.

Q: What sets BodBabes apart from other fitness programs?
A: BodBabes is more than a fitness program—it's a transformational experience designed specifically for women over 40 dealing with menopause. We combine personalized coaching, a focus on hormonal health, and a supportive community to empower you fully.

Q: How often are live coaching sessions?
A: We hold live sessions regularly, providing ample opportunities to engage with coaches and peers for continuous support and community building.

Q: Does BodBabes offer a referral program?
A: Yes, we encourage you to bring friends to our community. Our referral program rewards you for adding to our vibrant and supportive network.

For any more questions or to start your journey, don't hesitate to reach out. We're excited to support you every step of the way towards a healthier, empowered life!
When you sign up, you agree to stay and pay monthly for at least 90 days (12 weeks). After that, you can keep going month by month for the same price. If you decide to stop after the 3 months, just tell us 3 days before the next month begins.


Ready to take the next step towards a healthier, happier you? Click the "Join Now" button below to start your transformation!

From Despair to Renewal: Gina's Journey of Transformation

Ally, Just a little heads up — I’m nearly ready to show you the before and after photos, and I've got to say, my heart's full of thanks for you.

You know, right before I turned 51, I felt like I was drowning. My body was changing in ways I didn’t recognize, my marriage felt like it was slipping through my fingers, and our new house... it just wasn't the home I loved. My husband and I, we were like strangers passing by in silence, and I was scared we were past the point of no return.

But then, something clicked when I started with BodBabes. A real heart-to-heart with my hubby opened up something new for us. Now we're having these cozy family nights — laughing over board games, sharing meals that we cooked together (yep, the girls are getting pretty handy in the kitchen, too!). It's like we're stitching our family back together, one day at a time.

And it's not only about the pounds I've shed (27 down — can you believe it?). It's like I've peeled off this heavy coat of sadness, too. Food isn't my hiding place anymore; it's the good stuff that's helping me rebuild, piece by piece.

This journey... it’s so much bigger than weight. It's about finding the pieces of me I thought were lost, mending what I thought was broken, and facing tomorrow not with fear, but with a spark of excitement.

I wish I could find the words to say how much your help has meant to me. But for now, just know, you’ve helped me find light in a place I thought was going dark.

Thank you, from every healed part of me. 

My promise to you:

Part of my Transformation

Empowering Women 40+ 
to Transform Their Bodies 

BodBabes: Women Who Know
Their Worth!

Pictured: Ally & husband, Wade - Founders (ages 56)

Transform Your Body, Elevate Your Life

We partner with women 40 plus, 
across the globe 
who are high-achievers and 
everyday women ready 
to transform their bodies.

Our clients aren’t looking for a quick fix; they know that rapid weight loss can lead to muscle loss, weakened metabolism, and temporary results.

BodBabes want lasting change, understanding that a focused diet program and sustainable lifestyle build long-term health and a stronger, more toned body.

Our clients include:

By committing to a personalized and sustainable program, our clients achieve:

Improved Muscle Tone: Building and maintaining muscle for a more sculpted look.

Enhanced Metabolism: Boosting metabolic rate for sustained weight management.

Better Overall Health: Focusing on nutrition that supports long-term wellness and vitality.

Lasting Results: Achieving and maintaining their best bodies for life.

If you’re ready to commit to a journey that will redefine your body and empower your lifestyle, you’re exactly who we want to work with!

"This has changed my life! 
I've never had so much confidence!"  
- Deanna, age 47


🌸 Experience Counts: Our founder, age 56, understands your journey. With experience helping thousands of women across the globe, BodBabes was born from a need for real, lasting solutions for women at midlife. We're not just local; we're global, bringing proven strategies to women everywhere.

🌸 Tailored for You: Forget one-size-fits-all. Our programs are crafted for the unique needs of women aged 40+, focusing on menopause and beyond.

🌸 More Than Just a Meal Plan: We offer more than temporary fixes. BodBabes equips you with skills for life, teaching you to love and balance your food for permanent success. Here's the key: Enjoy the foods you love in the right amounts to maintain your body goals!

🌸 Personalized Workout Mastery: No matter your fitness level, BodBabes provides tailored workouts. Learn what works for your body and how to evolve your routine as you progress. Gain confidence in managing your fitness journey with our comprehensive guidance.

🌸 Long-Term Success with BodBabes: We commit to your lifelong transformation, not just quick fixes. BodBabes offers deep understanding and practical tools to maintain and enhance your health and physique for years. Knowledge isn’t just power; it’s a promise.

🌸 Act Now - Your Best Years Await!: Don’t wait to start living your best life. Join BodBabes today and transform your future.

Client - Age 54!

"If you're looking for something different. No funny business with supplements, etc., to buy. After one year, I'm still maintaining!" - Laura, client &  college professor


Specialized Expertise for Women Over 40: At BodBabes, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. We’re experts in addressing the unique needs of women over 40 undergoing significant life and bodily changes. We tailor our programs to fit your individual health, strength, and wellness goals.

Proven Success: 
Our founder Ally and her team of expert coaches have guided thousands of women to reclaim their vitality. Our approach is proven, with countless success stories of transformed lives.

Comprehensive Wellness Approach: 
We go beyond gym routines. At BodBabes, we delve into nutrition education, helping you understand not just what to eat, but why. Our programs are designed to balance hormones and support your body’s specific needs during menopause and beyond.

A Thriving Community: 
Join a tribe of like-minded women who support each other through shared experiences and victories. BodBabes is not just about personal transformation; it's about growing together.

Why Choose BodBabes?:
If you're ready to make your 40s, 50s, and beyond the most vibrant years of your life, it's time to invest in a solution tailored just for you. Join us and see why BodBabes is more than a program—it’s a pathway to your best self.

Ready to start your 
transformation journey
with BodBabes?
When you sign up, you agree to stay and pay monthly for at least 90 days (12 weeks). After that, you can keep going month by month for the same price. If you decide to stop after the 3 months, just tell us 3 days before the next month begins.

Welcome to BodBabes:  Menopause Transformation

 At BodBabes, we don’t just understand menopause; we specialize in transforming it into a period of strength and renewal. Our programs are precisely designed for women over 40, focusing on effective weight loss and muscle building strategies that counteract the physical changes brought by menopause.

Our proactive approach is tailored to tackle the unique challenges you face during menopause, ensuring that you not only feel revitalized but also empowered. With BodBabes, you’re not just surviving menopause; you’re thriving through it.

 Welcome to BodBabes: Where Women Like You,
Transform Your Life!


At 56, Ally embodies the essence of BodBabes. Her transformation after age 51, while navigating the complexities of menopause, is a powerful example of what can be achieved with dedication and the right guidance. Ally's journey was not just about weight loss and muscle building; it was a profound rebirth during a stage of life often misunderstood and underestimated.

"Turning 50 marked a new chapter for me," Ally shares, "It wasn't just about getting older; it was about rediscovering myself and my capabilities. I've experienced firsthand the weight loss struggles and muscle building triumphs of this life phase, and I'm passionate about guiding other women to find their strength and vitality during menopause."

Join Ally in this empowering journey at BodBabes, where you'll find support, expertise, and a community of like-minded women, all committed to transforming their health and physique post-50. It's time to redefine your prime years with BodBabes – where menopause becomes a gateway to your best self."



What Does This Program Look Like When You Become a BodBabe?

Here's what your journey would look like with us:

Personalized Assessment: 
When you sign up, you’ll complete a detailed questionnaire. This helps us understand your goals, lifestyle, and any specific needs or challenges you face.

Custom Fitness and Nutrition Plan: 
Based on your assessment, you'll receive a fitness plan that fits your level and lifestyle, and a nutrition guide that aligns with your preferences and health goals.

Weekly One-on-One Coaching: 
Every week, you’ll have a personal coaching session with a dedicated member of our team. This is to ensure you're on track, answer any questions, and make adjustments as needed.

Community Support: 
You'll join our community of like-minded women, where you can share your journey, get encouragement, and celebrate milestones together.

Continuous Learning: 
With us, it’s not just about following a plan; it's about learning why and how things work. This empowers you to make informed choices and maintain your results long-term.

Access Anytime, Anywhere: 
All of this is facilitated through our user-friendly app, giving you the convenience to stay on top of your fitness journey wherever you are.

Join Now!

When you sign up, you agree to stay and pay monthly for at least 90 days (12 weeks). After that, you can keep going month by month for the same price. If you decide to stop after the 3 months, just tell us 3 days before the next month begins.

Client - "I was struggling with menopause and Ally just knew what to do...my 53 year old butt will be in a bikini all summer!"

Ready to embark on your transformative journey? Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by clicking the "Join Now" button below!

Hear from Our Satisfied BodBabes:
Real Stories, Real Results

Video, click to watch

Video, click to watch

What You Get With BodBabes:

A Program Like No Other!

Customized Fitness Plans: 
No matter your starting point, receive a workout plan tailored to your fitness level and goals. Our plans evolve with you, from beginner to advanced, ensuring you're always challenged and progressing.

Tailored Nutrition Guidance: 
Forget one-size-fits-all diets. Enjoy personalized meal plans that fit your taste preferences and nutritional needs, designed to be enjoyable and sustainable over the long haul.

Personal Coaching from 
Ally & Expert Team: 
Direct access to me, Ally, and my dedicated team of expert coaches. We provide the motivation, guidance, and personalized support you need to succeed.

Accountability & Community Support: 
Join an empowering community of women who understand your journey. Together, we keep each other motivated and on track, celebrating every milestone.

Comprehensive Tools and Resources: 
From delicious recipes to effective workout tips, get all the resources you need at your fingertips to make your health journey successful.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments: 
With regular check-ins, we track your progress and fine-tune your plan to ensure continuous improvement and adaptation to your changing needs.

Focus on Holistic Health and 
Hormonal Balance:
Specially designed strategies to manage the hormonal shifts during menopause, ensuring that your plan aligns with your body’s unique needs.

Skills for Lifelong Health: 
More than just temporary fixes, we equip you with knowledge and skills to maintain your health and vitality for years to come.

Why Choose BodBabes?: 
We understand the specific needs of women over 40. Our programs are not just about fitness; they are about creating lasting health changes with a deep understanding of hormonal and lifestyle shifts.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Join BodBabes today and start a journey tailored just for you. 

Embrace your health, enhance your vitality, and elevate your confidence. Let’s make these years your best yet.

Join BodBabes Now and Start Your Transformation!

Download our BodBabes App

Easy to Use
Our app is designed with clarity and ease in mind. Enjoy larger fonts for better readability and a user-friendly interface that makes navigation effortless, even for those new to fitness apps.

Everything You Need in One Place:
Personalized Workouts and Meal Plans: Get custom-tailored fitness routines and diet plans that align with your specific goals.

Track Your Progress: 
Easily monitor your improvements with intuitive progress charts.

Community Connection: 
Engage with the BodBabes community directly from the app. Share your journey, receive support, and celebrate achievements with fellow members.

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: 
Stay connected to your health goals whether you're at home, on the go, or even while traveling. Available for both iOS and Android devices, the BodBabes app keeps your fitness journey at your fingertips.

Included With Your Program Purchase:: 
Enhance your fitness experience with seamless access to all the tools you need for success. Dive into your transformation journey with confidence and convenience.

"I'm 49 and I HAVE ABS NOW! Much thanks to you and the BodBabes program!" - Tammy

Your Satisfaction Guaranteed: 

Our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: 
Your satisfaction is our priority!

We're committed to your success and satisfaction. If you don’t see noticeable improvements in your health and fitness within the first 30 days of your journey with us, you’re eligible for a full refund. 
Here’s how it works:

Commit to the Process: 
Stick with the program for the full 30 days. This includes following your customized workouts and meal plans.

Show Your Work: 
Keep logs of your workouts and meals, and share progress photos. This helps us see how you're following the program.

Stay Engaged: 
Participate actively in our community and coaching sessions. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Speak Up: 
Let us know immediately if you’re facing any challenges. We’re here to help and make adjustments if necessary.

If after doing all this, you’re not satisfied, just reach out to us.We'll process your refund promptly, no hassles.

I was asked to define what a 
BodBabe is...

A BodBabe is a beacon of strength, an emblem of determination. 
She's a woman who stands firm in the belief that age is merely a number and that her prime years are unfolding before her. 
She is not defined by decades but by decisions—decisions to embrace change, to harness the power within, and to rewrite her story with courage and grace. 
A BodBabe is resilient, weathering life's storms and emerging not just intact, but stronger, sculpted by her experiences. 
She knows her worth, investing in herself with the knowledge that self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity. 
She's a community member, a sister in arms on the same empowering journey of transformation. Together with her BodBabes tribe, she celebrates each victory and uplifts others on their paths. 
A BodBabe is transformative, not just altering the shape of her body, but also elevating her mindset. 
She is a learner for life, understanding that knowledge and consistency are the cornerstones of her sustained success. 
She’s the embodiment of what it means to live vibrantly, to refuse to accept societal limits on what 'women of a certain age' can do. 
Her fitness is her rebellion, her nutrition is her manifesto, and her journey is a testament to the enduring power of the female spirit. 

My hope is that you too embrace the identity of a BodBabe, and join the ranks of women who choose to live each day with energy, joy, and a deep sense of personal achievement.

Ally - Founder of BodBabes

BodBabes Smiles

Sarah’s Journey: 
A Transformation Beyond the Physical

"Before BodBabes, I was a 50-year-old woman lost in the chaos of life. Three children, a demanding job, and the whirlwind of everyday tasks had me putting myself last on the list of priorities for years. Tips and tricks from magazines and short YouTube workout videos were my go-to. I thought I could piece together a wellness journey, but I was fooling myself.

My health was not where it should be, and honestly, neither was my spirit. My body changed, my energy dipped, and the reflection in the mirror was of a woman I barely recognized. A rich life, but at the expense of my wellbeing.

One day, a realization hit me hard - I was rich in resources but poor in health, and in the grand design of life, what do we have if not our health? A woman with all the riches but no health has but one wish - wellness.

That’s when I found Ally and the BodBabes program. It wasn’t just about weight loss or muscle tone, it was about reclaiming my life, my vitality, and my spirit. Ally wasn’t just a coach; she was a testament to the transformation that was possible.

I was skeptical. Yet, the thought of having someone who’s walked the path, coupled with a community of women all echoing the sentiments of triumph, was enticing. I took the leap.

BodBabes wasn’t just a program; it was a reawakening. Every workout, every nutritional plan was tailored. I wasn’t alone. Ally was with me, and so was a battalion of incredible women, each echoing the triumphs and challenges, creating a chorus of resilience and vitality.

I learned the invaluable truth - I’m my most significant asset. In making myself a priority, not only did my body transform, but so did my life. My confidence soared, and so did my spirit. Limits? They became stepping stones. I was not just Sarah, the mother, the employee; I was Sarah, the unstoppable, the embodiment of vitality.

My marriage found a new dawn; my aspirations found wings. I started a small business - a dream I’d shelved, thinking it was too late. But BodBabes taught me, it’s never too late to become the best version of yourself.

I am now not just a testament to a physical transformation but a life reborn. Every woman deserves this journey, and every woman has the power to step into this transformation. The path is here, paved by Ally and every BodBabe echoing the same sentiment - We are limitless, and in our health, we find our truest,
most radiant selves."

— Sarah, A Proud BodBabe

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is BodBabes suitable for fitness beginners over 40?
A: Absolutely! Whether you're new to fitness or restarting your journey, BodBabes is tailored for women over 40. We start from where you are, focusing on building your strength and confidence gently and effectively.

Q: How does BodBabes address hormonal changes during menopause?
A: We specialize in hormonal balance. Our nutritional guidance and workout routines are designed to mitigate menopause symptoms and support hormonal health, helping you feel balanced and revitalized.

Q: Can I participate in BodBabes if I experience joint pain?
A: Yes, our exercises are crafted to be joint-friendly. We focus on movements that enhance mobility and alleviate pain while promoting fitness and health.

Q: Will I build strength with BodBabes after menopause?
A: Definitely. Our strength training is geared specifically towards increasing bone density and muscle mass, countering the effects of aging and boosting your overall strength.

Q: What commitments are involved with the BodBabes program?
A: We ask for a commitment to our 3-month program to ensure you see significant results. The payment is monthly, and after the initial period, you can continue on a month-to-month basis with the flexibility to opt out with advance notice.

Q: How are coaching sessions scheduled?
A: Scheduling is easy! Just pick a time that suits you from our online calendar, and we'll ensure you have your coaching session when it works for you.

Q: Can individuals with specific health conditions join BodBabes?
A: Yes, our team is experienced in adapting to various health conditions, ensuring everyone can safely and effectively participate.

Q: Is BodBabes available internationally?
A: Absolutely! Our community is global. All you need is an internet connection to access our full range of resources.

Q: What sets BodBabes apart from other fitness programs?
A: BodBabes is more than a fitness program—it's a transformational experience designed specifically for women over 40 dealing with menopause. We combine personalized coaching, a focus on hormonal health, and a supportive community to empower you fully.

Q: How often are live coaching sessions?
A: We hold live sessions regularly, providing ample opportunities to engage with coaches and peers for continuous support and community building.

Q: Does BodBabes offer a referral program?
A: Yes, we encourage you to bring friends to our community. Our referral program rewards you for adding to our vibrant and supportive network.

For any more questions or to start your journey, don't hesitate to reach out. We're excited to support you every step of the way towards a healthier, empowered life!
When you sign up, you agree to stay and pay monthly for at least 90 days (12 weeks). After that, you can keep going month by month for the same price. If you decide to stop after the 3 months, just tell us 3 days before the next month begins.


Ready to take the next step towards a healthier, happier you? Click the "Join Now" button below to start your transformation!

From Despair to Renewal: Gina's Journey of Transformation

Ally, Just a little heads up — I’m nearly ready to show you the before and after photos, and I've got to say, my heart's full of thanks for you.

You know, right before I turned 51, I felt like I was drowning. My body was changing in ways I didn’t recognize, my marriage felt like it was slipping through my fingers, and our new house... it just wasn't the home I loved. My husband and I, we were like strangers passing by in silence, and I was scared we were past the point of no return.

But then, something clicked when I started with BodBabes. A real heart-to-heart with my hubby opened up something new for us. Now we're having these cozy family nights — laughing over board games, sharing meals that we cooked together (yep, the girls are getting pretty handy in the kitchen, too!). It's like we're stitching our family back together, one day at a time.

And it's not only about the pounds I've shed (27 down — can you believe it?). It's like I've peeled off this heavy coat of sadness, too. Food isn't my hiding place anymore; it's the good stuff that's helping me rebuild, piece by piece.

This journey... it’s so much bigger than weight. It's about finding the pieces of me I thought were lost, mending what I thought was broken, and facing tomorrow not with fear, but with a spark of excitement.

I wish I could find the words to say how much your help has meant to me. But for now, just know, you’ve helped me find light in a place I thought was going dark.

Thank you, from every healed part of me. 




Founder of BodBabes, Age 56!